Monday, November 4, 2013

Experimental art and landscape mobile phone tour

As we have worked on mobile phone tour of the CWU campus, students have been playing with different ways to call attention to art and landscape locations, without necessarily speaking in an "authoritative" or monologic voice. Leah for instance recorded a poem ("World Tree", 108) set in the campus arboretum, in which she speaks in the voice of a primal Mother Tree.   Vernee (117) introduces her favorite residence hall by  taking on the voice of a student newly arrived on campus in the 1960s. Liz situates herself daydreaming in class, wondering about the  Cascade Cradle  (106) sculpture out the window.  Sean rather hilariously ponders the meaning of liminality (105) while hanging on the Dean lawn.Hanna (119) narrates the campus through the eyes of a coyote spirit returning to the landscape after a century's absence.

Here is the current list of audio prompts.

Dial   (509) 350-5040

Then enter the  prompt number, followed by the # sign.

The easiest place to start is in the Dean Hall lobby in front of the Museum of Culture and Environment, facing John Hoover's  1972 sculpture, "The Man who Married an Eagle" 

2. Introduction to outdoor tour (Mark)  LIVE

100. John Hoover sculpture  in Dean Hall lobby  (Mark)   LIVE

101. Mark personal reflections on John Hoover sculpture  in Dean Hall lobby (Mark)   LIVE

102.Remembering the Shrub Steppe, seen from east of Dean Hall (Amanda) LIVE  

103. Irrigation Canal, seen from Bridge east of Dean Hall, (Caitlyn)  LIVE

104.  Musical Memory, from Bridge east of Dean Hall,

105.  Liminal Space lawn, east of Dean Hall  (Sean)  LIVE

106 Cascade Cradle sculpture, east of Dean Hall  (Liz)   LIVE

107.   Arboretum (Rachel) LIVE

108. Arboretum "World Tree" , to west of Dean Hall, in front of the white birch (Leah)   LIVE

109.  Favorite spot, Between Hebler and Hertz  (Zach)  LIVE

110. Community Vegetable Garden, north of ROTC  (Kailona) LIVE

111.  Luke Blackstone sculpture, just southeast of Hogue. (Mark)  LIVE

112. Chimpanzee memorial rocks (former CHCI)  (Sandra)

 113. Deborah Butterfield’s Horse near Barge (Mark)  LIVE

114 Darwin Davis sculpture near L & L. (Mark)   LIVE

115  Satellite Dishes behind Brooks Library (Mark)  LIVE

116.  Mira's Garden near Health Center (Alex) LIVE

117.  Basettis Dorms in the 1960s (Vernee)  LIVE

118.  Cindy Krieble Umtanum Ridge painting in Library (Mark)   LIVE

119. Shrub Steppe through eyes of Coyoto Spirit  (Hanna) LIVE

120  Japanese Garden  (Mariel)